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You've seen the series and you've properly seen the film but I now announce... A Avatar Roleplay
Bleach: Dawn of the Unknown is an Alternate Universe (AU) Bleach themed RP.
This Forum is for anyone who enjoys playing Fantasica and is excited for the new Fantasica game Fantasica: Bloodlines!
1 of the best Anime & Manga forums around, we are 100% active and posting! Register today!
A free-form Naruto RP Forum dedicated around a custom storyline and plot.
The Official Forum for FHAPH(Feral Heart Axis Powers Hetalia) The first and longest running Feral Heart Roleplay group dedicated to the webcomic, Hetalia.
Naruto RPG Shinobi Generations: An alternate universe in which the events in the Naruto Series never happened, and no villages are allied with one another meaning, war is always looming on the horizon. What will
This takes place 500 years after Dragonball Gt. Explore worlds, train hard power up and take it to a whole new level! Everything else was just training. maximum of 3 characters
A Homestuck roleplay forum, both for canon characters and fancharacters.
A free Naruto text-based RPG for all who wish to join!
The pokémon moon rpg Forum!!. The pokémon moon rpg Forum!!
Free forum : A new age of naruto passed down to the next generation of what is called the shinobi
Free forum : A planet which is built on the dreams of Shinobi and Magicians. A coexisting world which has its ups and downs even to this day. A Region based roleplay.
Free forum : A RPing game that focuses on the worlds of Dragonball Z and Bleach, while players create characters to not only gain strength, but to duke it out with famous villians from both series.
Free forum : Shades of grey is an open AU Bleach RP forum. This means that all original characters and content have either been removed entirely or adapted and added to. Now that thats out of the way,
Free forum : The official forum of Bleach-RPG.
This is were you make life as if you were a ninja from the hit anime series 'Naruto'
A Fun Free Forum For RPing, Manga, and Anime Fans Everywhere!. Sentou Gakuin© V2
Free forum : A great site to RP as is you lived in the Naruto Universe yourself or you can just join and hang. =3
Official Forum of Bleach: Last Horizon.
Fight you greatest battles in the world of DBZ.
Free forum : A non-canon Fairy Tail roleplay site.
The place to make friends and fight as your favorite anime people, or make your own!
Welcome to Fandom Village! Make new friends, talk about fandoms, play games, and mostly have fun! Log in or register to join in!
Naruto RPG : The best naruto RPG has come. New and fresh looking for new members